
Natural substances that are capable of being replaced or renewed over the course of a human lifetime or over a relatively short amount of time through natural processes are referred to as material that is renewable. Due to the fact that these materials are both sustainable and favorable to the environment, they are frequently used in a variety of industries, including the building industry, the textile industry, the energy industry, and the packaging industry. Given the circumstances, it is quite probable that this will have a profound effect on the future of humanity. Renewable materials commonly encompass biomass, bio-based polymers, natural fibers, wood, and lumber. The main focus of the study is to explore the utilization of renewable materials in green chemistry, namely biomass-sourced renewable materials, as well as other renewable materials such as food waste, recyclable plastics, and paper. This paper provides an in-depth review of the advantages and challenges related to renewable materials in the realm of green chemistry.

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