
Dance is an art of human movements, and it is an art form that takes refined, organized and artistically processed human movements as the main means of expression, expresses people's thoughts and feelings, and reflects social life. Humans not only transfer knowledge by means of dance, but also communicate with heaven and earth and soothe the soul by means of dance. Dance drama, an art form, is more and more popular among the masses. With the development of the times and science and technology, dance drama forms are constantly bringing forth the new. On the basis of the ancient stage art, it glows with new splendor and enriches the treasure house of human spirit and culture. During the development of history and culture, both religious culture and dance culture have tenacious vitality, and are constantly developing and evolving. The two are inextricably linked, interacting and influencing each other. This paper studies the relationship between dance and religion, trying to learn from historical experience, analyze the relationship between dance and religion, solve the problems in the creation of dance drama, provide theoretical basis for the development of dance drama, and promote the vigorous development of dance art.

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