
The growing demand for sustainable transportation has prompted an accelerated transition toward electric vehicles (EVs) as a promising solution to mitigate the environmental impact of conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. This research analyzes the key challenges and technologies associated with EVs, aiming to produce insights into this rapidly evolving field. The challenges surrounding EVs encompass various aspects, including limited driving range, lack of access to electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS), charging times for EVs, and safety considerations. To overcome these challenges, several technological advancements have emerged. Battery technology has advanced to extend the driving range per charge of an electric vehicle. Various models and algorithms to study the EVs charging station placement problem (EVCSPP) have been proposed to find the optimal location to build the charging stations. The advancement of extreme fast charging (XFC) technology and the intelligent transport system (ITS) shorten the charging time to improve the practicality of EVs adoption. Furthermore, the EVs charging standard and risk management have been introduced to ensure a secure charging system. By addressing these challenges and leveraging innovative technologies, a comprehensive and sustainable charging network can be realized, facilitating the transition towards a cleaner and greener transportation system.

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