This research explores Appamāda as a mindfulness concept with strong ethical and spiritual foundations rooted in Buddhist teachings. The study investigates how integrating Appamāda can enhance modern mindfulness practices, particularly addressing the moral and ethical dimensions often overlooked in secular mindfulness trends. The research utilizes a qualitative approach through library research, gathering data from primary sources such as the Sutta Piṭaka and commentaries and secondary sources from scholarly works on Appamāda. Content analysis examines how Appamāda functions as a foundation for moral and spiritual development within Buddhist teachings and how it can be integrated into contemporary mindfulness practices. The research identifies Appamāda as not merely mindfulness but a profound ethical framework that fosters the cultivation of wholesome qualities and moral awareness. It highlights the gap in modern mindfulness practices, which focus on psychological benefits like stress reduction but often neglect ethical self-awareness. Appamāda enriches mindfulness by incorporating ethical and spiritual elements, guiding individuals towards holistic personal development and liberation from suffering. Integrating Appamāda into modern mindfulness practices offers a more holistic approach to mental and spiritual well-being. It addresses the ethical responsibility that contemporary secular mindfulness lacks, contributing to developing a balanced and ethically conscious mindfulness practice. This has implications for mental health, ethical behavior, and spiritual growth in modern contexts. This study contributes to the growing body of research on mindfulness by reconnecting contemporary practices with their ethical and spiritual roots in Appamāda. It offers a new perspective on mindfulness that extends beyond emotional regulation to include moral development and ethical accountability, providing a comprehensive framework for holistic well-being.
Published Version
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