With the continuous advancement of semiconductor technology, the interconnects crosstalk has had a great influence on the performances of VLSI circuits. To date, most of the research about the interconnects of VLSI circuits focus on the voltage-mode signaling (VMS) scheme while the current-mode signaling (CMS) scheme is rarely analyzed. First of all, an equivalent circuit model of two-line coupled interconnects is presented in this paper, which is applicable to both the CMS and VMS schemes. The coupling capacitive and mutual inductive are taken into account in the equivalent circuit model. Secondly, the output noise of CMS and VMS schemes are investigated in the paper according to the decoupling technique and ABCD parameter matrix approach at local level, intermediate level and global level, respectively. Moreover, the experimental results show that the CMS interconnects have lesser noise peak, noise width and noise amplitude than the VMS interconnects in the same cases, and the CMS scheme is especially suitable for the global interconnects communication of VLSI circuits. It is found that the results obtained by ABCD parameter matrix approach are in good accordance with the simulation results of the advanced design system.
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