Currently, the subject of housing in China is of great interest to many researchers, since improvements in living conditions for the largest population in the world have not kept pace with the territory's economic growth. This paper describes basic social housing situations in China, and assesses the inequality in housing reform since 1990s as a result of overall economic improvement. In order to reduce the degree of inequality in China's social housing, this paper is focusing on the policy management of access to economically affordable housing because housing affordability in China is a pressing social and economic issue, particularly for low-income families due to an unreasonable mechanism. The related policies are analyzed in is paper by using incentive mechanism design, which reveals that supervision and announcement system, the restriction in current mechanism, and the area of economically affordable house are critical for the effectiveness of present polices. Furthermore, a housing area calculation model based on the incentive mechanism design is presented and an illustrated case of Beijing City is also conducted, which can maximize the utility of government considering incentive compatibility. Finally, some policy suggestions are explored including enhancing external environment and establishing internal mechanism. Santrauka Būsto tema Kinijoje šiuo metu itin domina daug mokslininkų, nes šalyje, kuri turi daugiausia gyventojų pasaulyje, gyvenimo sąlygų gerėjimas atsiliko nuo šalies ekonominio augimo. Šiame darbe nusakoma bazinio socialinio būsto padėtis Kinijoje ir vertinamas XX a. 10-ajame dešimtmetyje dėl bendros ūkio padėties gerėjimo prasidėjusios būsto reformos netolygumas. Siekiant mažinti Kinijos socialinio būsto skirtumų lygį, šiame darbe daugiausia dėmesio skiriama politinėms priemonėms, kurias pasitelkus valdoma prieiga prie įperkamo būsto, nes dėl neracionalaus mechanizmo būsto įperkamumas Kinijoje yra neatidėliotina socialinė ir ekonominė problema, o ypač mažas pajamas gaunančioms šeimoms. Atitinkamos politikos kryptys šiame darbe nagrinėjamos pasitelkus skatinamojo mechanizmo projektavimą, kuris rodo, kad priežiūros ir praneši-mų sistema, dabartinio mechanizmo suvaržymas ir įperkamo būsto plotas turi lemiamą reikšmę dabartinių politikos krypčių veiksmingumui. Be to, pateikiamas skatinamojo mechanizmo projektavimu pagristas būsto ploto skaičiavimo modelis ir atliekamas Pekino atvejo tyrimas, kuris, atsižvelgiant į skatinamųjų priemonių suderinamumą, gali maksimaliai padidinti vyriausybės naudingumą. Pabaigoje nagrinėjami keli politiniai siūlymai, įskaitant išorinės aplinkos gerinimą ir vidinio mechanizmo sukūrimą.
Since 2006, Chinese Central Government made great efforts to start new housing reform on the housing security system due to the social problems resulting from high speed economical development in China (General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, 2006)
Given the increased rates of housing marketisation, housing privatization, and urbanization in China, tremendous challenges have been imposed on governments as well as the low-income families to improve their housing conditions to cope with the increasing dynamics and uncertainties derived from economical development
The present policies on access to economically affordable housing was analyzed in the paper by mechanism design, which indicate that strengthening supervision and announcement system is reasonable and necessary for government, and the restriction in current mechanism of economically affordable housing in China should be strict
Since 2006, Chinese Central Government made great efforts to start new housing reform on the housing security system due to the social problems resulting from high speed economical development in China (General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, 2006). An important change is that the populations to be safeguarded by economically affordable housing are transferred from lower middle-income families to low-income families (General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, 2007; Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China, 2007). New Housing Reform in China focuses on how to further improve the housing conditions of Chinese low-income families (General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, 2006). New Housing Reform is not a new policy, but a development of prior policies to build more affordable and accessible social housing and to establish an adequate supply of economically affordable housing and low-rent housing for urban poor to improve their housing conditions (Qi et al, 2007)
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