
Piston pumps and compressors are widely used for exploration and transportation of oil and gas. Piston machines are heavy-duty systems that are still failure prone due to high stresses and wear proses. Increasing the efficiency and durability of the piston compressors, pumps, internal combustion engines, etc. directly depends on the correct calculations and designing of these elements. Using ANSYS software, simulation and stress analysis are performed on the basis of the 405GP15/70 and ARIEL heavy-duty balanced opposed piston compressors used in the Caspian Sea-Black Sea Region. During working of the machines and equipment a number of the processes interconnected and causing each other are proceeds (dynamic processes, wear of the interfaced details, change of mechanical properties of materials, etc.). Improvement of modelling of technical condition of cars and mechanisms on a multicriteria basis is one of the actual directions of modern engineering science. The improvement of methods of modelling of change of technical conditions of the piston mechanisms taking into account interrelation of dynamic characteristics, the wear interfaced details and the diagnosed mechanical parameters considered in this article. By observing the analysis results, we can decide whether our designed pipelines are safe or not under applied load conditions. The durable and reliable work of compressor-pump stations used in the oil and gas industry has great importance for practice. Investigation of complex problems with respect to friction and wear (clearances), stresses, and thermodynamics phenomena in the piston machines, and oil and gas pipelines gives the opportunity to solve the problems of increasing the durability of these machines and pipelines. Confirmation that the new methodologies can be produced by the current supply chain improving manufacturing efficiency and reducing the environmental and social impact of the supply chain.

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