
Nowadays, with the widespread popularization and development of the internet, the e-commerce industry has begun to rise, among which social e-commerce, as a new community, has become popular on the Internet. At the same time, the field of artificial intelligence is slowly infiltrating into every field of today's society. The diversified data contained in the social e-commerce platform has great potential value, but artificial intelligence, as an important technology of information analysis, is rarely applied in this direction. This paper fundamentally discusses the role of artificial intelligence in e-commerce. Taking Xiaohongshu as an example, the SWOT framework is used to analyze the advantages and drawbacks, potential benefits and risks caused by the application of artificial intelligence in an e-commerce platform with rich user data. The limitation and extensibility of artificial intelligence in e-commerce platforms, finally put forward the application prospect of artificial intelligence in the e-commerce direction. This study recommends that the social e-commerce community establish a robust data privacy protection system, increase investment in technology research and development, and fully leverage the potential of AI technology.

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