
In this paper, the shielding enclosure of an electromagnetic interference (EMI-) filter for a spacecraft power bus was analysed for shielding effectiveness (SE). By using an electro- dynamic approach, the authors conducted simulation in the frequency domain taking into account losses in the shield. The investigation covered the performance of the shielding enclosure with and without the connected cables and the in uence of apertures formed between the enclosurebase and its cover. It was found that the smallest value of the SE of the enclosure is observed for the configuration with unshielded cables. However, whilst maintaining shielding integrity, attenuation of at least 88 dB in the frequency range from 0 to 20 GHz was achieved. In the study, the authors analysed the in uence of printed circuit boards of EMI-filter in the shielded volume on SE of the enclosure and found that they have a weak effect on the SE. In conclusion, there is some practical guidance on the design of similar EMI-protection devices.

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