Learning materials are the important thing that will support teaching and learning process at school. The existence of a good learning materials will help the students to understand the given subject matter. Mathematics is a subject matter which has a higher level of difficulty than other subjects. So teacher needs the right learning materials when delivering the material. a method that can be used to improve student’s understanding related to mathematics learning material, especially the subject of two dimensional is inquiry-based learning. This method emphasize the active participation of students to understand the material provided. Implementing this method in learning materials are expected to develop student’s critical thinking skills. Type of this research is mixed method research which combining qualitative and quantitative method. Quantitative methods are used to analyze the types of interval data on student learning outcomes while qualitative methods are used to analyze ordinal data types of student’s critical thinking skills. Respondents of this research consisted of one control class and one experimental class consisting of 30 students at 4th grade class in Sawaran Kulon 02 Lumajang Elementary School. Based on the experiment result, control class was obtained 65% of interpretation, 65% of analysis, 59% of evaluation and 52% of inference. Meanwhile, the experimental class was obtained 75% of interpretation, 75% of analysis, 69% of evaluation and 82% of inference. The t-test result of independent sample shows that there is a significant difference between control class and experimental class with a sig (2-tailed) value of 0.00 (p = <0.05). It can be concluded that the implementation of learning materials using inquiry-based learning method can improve the critical thinking of elementary school students.
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