Journal of Paramedic PracticeVol. 4, No. 5 College of ParamedicsThe ambulance service: the past, present and futureAndy NewtonAndy NewtonSearch for more papers by this authorAndy NewtonPublished Online:16 Aug 2013https://doi.org/10.12968/jpar.2012.4.5.303AboutSectionsView articleView Full TextPDF/EPUB ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InEmail View article References Baskett PJ, Diamond AW, Cochrane DF (1976) Urban mobile resuscitation-training and service. Br J Anaesth 48(4): 377–85 Crossref, Google ScholarBBC Panorama (1963) The ambulance services are under fire www.bbc.co.uk/archive/nhs/5161.shtml (accessed 22 April 2012) Google ScholarBurr ML (1969) Concise History of the Ambulance Service. Medical Officer (Reprinted in Ambulance UK (2001) 16: 161–81) Google ScholarCarney CJ (1999) Prehospital care—a UK Perspective. Br Med Bull 55(4): 757–66 Crossref, Google ScholarChamberlain DA, Brown PM, Briggs RS et al.(1976) The Brighton Resuscitation Ambulances: a continuing experiment in pre-hospital care by ambulance staff.BMJ 2(6045):1161–5 Crossref, Google ScholarDepartment of Health England NHS Executive(1996) Review of Ambulance Performance Standards; Final report of the Steering Committee. DH Google ScholarEMS (2009) EMS makes a difference: Improving clinical outcomes and downstream healthcare savings. A Position Statement of the National EMS Advisory Council www.ems.gov/pdf/nemsac-dec2009.pdf (accessed 24 April 2012) Google ScholarHadfield H (1903) Municipal Ambulance Work.The Windsor Magazine 18(3): 339–47 Google ScholarHeightman AJ, McCallion T (2011) Management lessons from Pinnacle.JEMS 36(10): 50–4 Google ScholarJudge TP (2004) “Reforming Emergency Care” and the Ambulance Service.Emerg Med J 21(1):4 Crossref, Google ScholarKouwenhoven WB, Jude JR, Knickerbocker GG (1960) Closed chest cardiac massager. JAMA 173:1064–7 Crossref, Google ScholarLakhani M, Fernandes A, Archard D (2007) Urgent Care: A Position Statement from the Royal College of General Practitioners. Royal College of General Practitioners Google ScholarMinistry of Health (1966) Report by the working party on ambulance training and equipment: Part 1—training. Scottish Home and Health Department,HMSO Millar ELM Google ScholarMinistry of Health, Scottish Home and Health Department (1967) Millar Report—Report by the working party on ambulance training and equipment: Part 2 equipment. HMSO Google ScholarMunjal KG, Silverman RA, Freese J (2011) Utilization of Emergency Medical Services in a large Urban Area: Description of Call Types and Temporal Trends. Pre-hosp Emerg Care 15(3): 371–80 Crossref, Google ScholarPalazzo FF, Warner OJ, Harron M et al. (1998) Misuse of the London ambulance Service: how much and why? J Accid Emerg Med 15(6): 368–70 Crossref, Google ScholarPost C, Treber M (2002) History chapter 1 Pre-Hospital Systems and Medical Oversight (3rd edn). National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians,Iowa Google ScholarRasmus W (2009) Listening to the Future, why it's everybody's business; Microsoft Executive Leadership Series Wiley,New Jersey. Google ScholarRichardson R (1974) Larrey Surgeon to Napoleon's Imperial Guard. Quller Press,London Google ScholarSafer P, Elam J (1958) Manual versus mouth to mouth methods of artifcial respiration.Anaestbesiology 19:111–2 Crossref, Google ScholarSanders J (2000) A review of health professional attidudes and patient perceptions on ‘inappropriate’ accident and emergency attendances. The implications for current minor injury service provision in England and Wales.J Adv Nurs 31(5): Crossref, Google Scholar FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsCited byDisruptive innovation: barriers, opportunities and differences internationallyAndy Newton, Barry Hunt, Julia Williams27 September 2020 | International Paramedic Practice, Vol. 10, No. 3The paramedic profession: disruptive innovation and barriers to further progressAndy Newton, Barry Hunt, Julia Williams8 April 2020 | Journal of Paramedic Practice, Vol. 12, No. 4Work intensification and ambidexterity - the notions of extreme and ‘everyday’ experiences in emergency contexts: surfacing dynamics in the ambulance service23 August 2019 | Public Management Review, Vol. 22, No. 1Examining the type and frequency of incidents attended by UK paramedicsTristan Henderson, Ruth Endacott, Jonathan Marsden, Sarah Black11 September 2019 | Journal of Paramedic Practice, Vol. 11, No. 9Why do paramedics have a high rate of self-referral?Anna van der Gaag, Robert Jago, Zubin Austin, Magdalena Zasada, Sarah Banks, Ann Gallagher, Grace Lucas4 May 2018 | Journal of Paramedic Practice, Vol. 10, No. 5Future Perspectives for the UK Ambulance Services: Evolution Rather than Revolution20 September 2015 5 May 2012Volume 4Issue 5ISSN (print): 1759-1376ISSN (online): 2041-9457 Metrics History Published online 16 August 2013 Published in print 5 May 2012 Information© MA Healthcare LimitedPDF download
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