
The agrarian question is a very urgent problem in Kazakhstan. The following paper shows the history of struggle for land in 1920 centuries. At those times Kazakhs were nomads. Tsarism carried some reforms and made the lands in the Kazakh steppe the property of the state. In Western Kazakhstan agriculture, cattle breeding, trade developed. In the Kazakh steppe agrarian transformation started. Nomads started to build permanent dwellings. These buildings were near the Russian peasants. Construction of railways led to the fact that the Kazakhs and Russian peasants sold bread at the markets near stations. Stolypin agrarian reform accelerated the process of agrarian transformation. Eventually, Western Kazakhstan entered into Russian market.


  • difficult to find a consensus on the definition of chronological time frame

  • the same historical event of the institution can be interpreted in different ways

  • The author's variant of periodization presented in the paper makes it possible to consider the problem in a new way

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Аграрный вопрос был и остается актуальным для Казахстана. Развитие земледелия было выгодно и в том плане, что появились хлебные рынки, что создавало для оседлого населения выгодные условия по реализации своей продукции. Все это прямо указывает на то, что аграрный вопрос чрезвычайно актуален для Казахстана, вызывает и по сей день немало споров и противоречий, представляет собой объект заботы не только властей и бизнесменов, но и рядовых граждан.

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