
Aging is the price we all pay for living long. While the alternative to aging is a less attractive option, what clinically affect us most during this aging process are the detrimental effects aging has on the smooth muscle throughout our body. Those of us, who have been fortunate enough to enter middle age or better yet, senescence, know how true this is. Consider during this time period the onset of maladies such as essential hypertension, GERD, overactive bladder, farsightedness, constipation, bladder outlet obstruction and the most feared of all aging related symptoms that can afflict any man, erectile dysfunction. All of these conditions have essentially one thing in common-the smooth muscle in that tissue does not function optimally. The main reason for these aging associated dysfunctions is that the smooth muscle mass, at least part of it, within each of these tissues has begun to undergo apoptosis with replenishment by fibrous tissue.

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