
The authors of the paper consider the age-related problems of personality identification among 19-21-year-old women at the level of “personality - society”. The paper describes the application of the author’s questionnaire, which was formulated a few years before within the Bachelor degree programme. The authors investigated the phenomenon of spirituality and considered it as a synonym of psychological maturity. The investigation revealed 19 criteria of spirituality, which 44 Научное мнение № 1-2 (2023) were formalised as a questionnaire. The current research describes the difficulties in the application of the questionnaire. The respondents expressed a lack of understanding of individual questions and suggested their wishes for new wording and clarification of questions in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was modified based on the feedback from the sample and was re-applied to the new sample. The results were recorded and analysed. Among those interviewed, a group of female students aged 19 to 21 was identified. The answers of this group were summarised in the form of diagrams, which revealed some features that seemed interesting to the authors as research material within age psychology. The conclusions of this analysis are presented in the paper.

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