
partments, each under a director-general, director-in-chief, or some other departmental head, is independently to conduct administrative business in their respective spheres. Before making a decision on matters of any importance, the government is under obligation to call for expressions of opinion and proposals from the Central Administrative Departments concerned, which thus have the opportunity officially to set forth their views upon the matter in question and often by that means to exercise a decisive influence on the issue. The Ministries and the Central Departments have a reciprocal relationship, in that the Departments make reports to the Ministries upon government questions which have been referred to them for an opinion, while it is also their duty to execute decisions made by the government concerning their respective spheres of work. The Central Departments may also make direct representations to the government in matters affecting their work. Although the Central Departments occupy a position largely independent of the Ministries, their right of independent action is limited to the extent that their decisions may be appealed to the government and may thus be amended. Moreover, the press and the public are able to keep the central administration under constant observation, since the matters transacted and the decisions made by the Departments are, in accordance with the Constitution, of a public character. The heads of the Ministries (the state secretaries) change with different governments, but the heads of the Central Administrative Departments are usually appointed for a certain number of years although as a rule they can count upon reappointment. The department heads are assisted by a number of bureau chiefs who, like other permanent civil servants, are constitutionally irremovable.

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