
Mairate A. (2006) The ‘added value’ of European Union Cohesion policy, Regional Studies 40, 167–177. As part of the wider debate on financing the European Union, the notion of Community ‘added value’ is being used to justify expenditure on Cohesion policy. Broadly, this is defined as the increased value resulting from Community action, and the extent to which intervention adds ‘value’ to the interventions of other administrations, organizations and institutions. The paper provides an assessment of the added value brought about by European Union regional policy on the basis of the past experience across Member States and regions. It discusses different aspects of added value with respect to impacts, economic integration, policy-making and programming, institutional developments, implementation, learning, and political awareness. It concludes by commenting on the proposed reform of the Structural Funds. Added value Impact Integration Programming Reform Mairate A. (2006) The ‘added value’ of European Union Cohesion policy, Regional Studies 40, 167–177. As part of the wider debate on financing the European Union, the notion of Community ‘added value’ is being used to justify expenditure on Cohesion policy. Broadly, this is defined as the increased value resulting from Community action, and the extent to which intervention adds ‘value’ to the interventions of other administrations, organizations and institutions. The paper provides an assessment of the added value brought about by European Union regional policy on the basis of the past experience across Member States and regions. It discusses different aspects of added value with respect to impacts, economic integration, policy-making and programming, institutional developments, implementation, learning, and political awareness. It concludes by commenting on the proposed reform of the Structural Funds. Valeur ajoutée Impact Intégration Programmation Réforme Mairate A. (2006) The ‘added value’ of European Union Cohesion policy, Regional Studies 40, 167–177. As part of the wider debate on financing the European Union, the notion of Community ‘added value’ is being used to justify expenditure on Cohesion policy. Broadly, this is defined as the increased value resulting from Community action, and the extent to which intervention adds ‘value’ to the interventions of other administrations, organizations and institutions. The paper provides an assessment of the added value brought about by European Union regional policy on the basis of the past experience across Member States and regions. It discusses different aspects of added value with respect to impacts, economic integration, policy-making and programming, institutional developments, implementation, learning, and political awareness. It concludes by commenting on the proposed reform of the Structural Funds. Mehrwert Auswirkung Integration Programmierung Reform Mairate A. (2006) The ‘added value’ of European Union Cohesion policy, Regional Studies 40, 167–177. As part of the wider debate on financing the European Union, the notion of Community ‘added value’ is being used to justify expenditure on Cohesion policy. Broadly, this is defined as the increased value resulting from Community action, and the extent to which intervention adds ‘value’ to the interventions of other administrations, organizations and institutions. The paper provides an assessment of the added value brought about by European Union regional policy on the basis of the past experience across Member States and regions. It discusses different aspects of added value with respect to impacts, economic integration, policy-making and programming, institutional developments, implementation, learning, and political awareness. It concludes by commenting on the proposed reform of the Structural Funds. Valor añadido Impacto Integración Programación Reforma

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