Relevance. The main thing in the prevention of acute odontogenic infection in sailors during long voyages is the full implementation of the pre-voyage sanitation of the oral cavity, which provides for the elimination of chronic foci of odontogenic infection.The aimof the study was to identify chronic foci of odontogenic infection in sailors after the completion of their prevoyage sanitation of the oral cavity and before going sailing.Material and methods. Dental and X-ray (orthopantomography) examination of 169 men aged 22 to 52 years after completion of dental treatment (oral cavity sanitation) before a long sea voyage was carried out, followed by analysis of clinical and radiological parallels to identify chronic odontogenic foci of infection, which can be a potential source of microorganisms for the development of acute odontogenic infection during swimming.Results and discussion.It was found that, despite the ongoing treatment and prophylactic work on the rehabilitation of the oral cavity with the sailors in the pre-voyage period, in 30.4-77.2% of cases they retain chronic foci of odontogenic infection during a long sea voyage, which can become the cause of the development of acute odontogenic infection. For the qualitative detection of chronic odontogenic foci of infection, it is necessary to supplement the dental examination of sailors in the pre-voyage period with an X-ray examination, which will allow timely identification and elimination of chronic odontogenic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, as well as chronic periapical and periodontal foci of odontogenic infection.
The main thing in the prevention of acute odontogenic infection in sailors during long voyages is the full implementation of the pre-voyage sanitation of the oral cavity, which provides for the elimination of chronic foci of odontogenic infection
Dental and X-ray examination of 169 men aged 22 to 52 years after completion of dental treatment before a long sea voyage was carried out, followed by analysis of clinical and radiological parallels to identify chronic odontogenic foci of infection, which can be a potential source of microorganisms for the development of acute odontogenic infection during swimming
Despite the ongoing treatment and prophylactic work on the rehabilitation of the oral cavity with the sailors in the pre-voyage period, in 30.4-77.2% of cases they retain chronic foci of odontogenic infection during a long sea voyage, which can become the cause of the development of acute odontogenic infection
Цель исследования состояла в выявлении у моряков хронических очагов одонтогенной инфекции после завершения их предпоходовой санации полости рта и перед уходом в плавание. Проведено стоматологическое и рентгенологическое (ортопантомография) обследование 169 мужчин в возрасте от 22 до 52 лет после завершения стоматологического лечения (санация полости рта) перед длительным морским походом с последующим анализом клинико-рентгенологических параллелей по выявлению хронических одонтогенных очагов инфекции, которые могут быть потенциальным источником микроорганизмов для развития острой одонтогенной инфекции в условиях плавания.
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