
In the fourth phase of the National Programme “Improvement of safety and working conditions”, 10 meetings of the Commission took place, during which the following items were discussed: – 37 documentations for recommended exposure limits of chemical substances prepared by the Expert Group for Chemical and Dust Agents – the position of the Interdepartmental Commission for MAC and MAI regarding: smog, nitric oxide limit value in the underground mining and tunneling sector, binding value for 1,2-dichloroethane and the introduction of the „skin” label (absorption of the substance through the skin may be just as important, as if inhaled) – rules for determining occupational exposure limits of chemical and dust harmful to health in the working environment and for active substances of cytostatics – programmes for improving working conditions in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. copper mines in order to limit exposure to nitric oxide at workstations to the value of 2.5 mg / m3 adopted in Directive 2017/164 / EU with a transitional period until August 21, 2023 (Official Journal of the EU L 27 of 1.2.2017, p. 115) – adaptation of the Polish list of MAC values to Directive 2017/164 / EU establishing the 4th list of indicative occupational exposure values, to the draft directive establishing the 5th list of indicative occupational exposure values and to directives 2017/2398 /EU, 2019/130 / EU and 2019/983 / EU amending Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work – the position of the Economic Chamber of Non-Ferrous Metals and Recycling regarding the reduction of the MAC value for cadmium and its compounds – the notations in the draft ordinance of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy amending the ordinance on maximum admissible concentrations and intensities of agents harmful to health in the working environment for wood dust and chromium (VI) compounds in relation to transitional measures included in Directive 2019/130 /EU of January 16, 2019. The Interdepartmental Commission for MAC and MAI adopted 10 proposals and presented them to the minister responsible for work on a revision of the list of maximum admissible concentrations and intensity of agents harmful to health in the working environment in the following areas: – introduction to Annex 1 „Chemical substances” of records on dusts – the introduction of the „skin” notation for 195 chemicals – introduction to Annex No. 1 maximum admissible concentrations for 11 new chemicals and changes for 22 chemicals. The work carried out by the Interdepartmental Committee of MAC and MAI in 2017-2019 made it possible to adaptat to national law the EU directive in this field within the period provided for in the directives. Two ordinances of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy were prepared and published, including the provisions of the abovementioned directives and added concentration limits for 11 new chemical agents harmful to health in the working environment. The results of the Commission’s work in 2017-2019 were disseminated in 12 issues of Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment, in which the following were published: 34 documents on occupational exposure levels for chemicals, 35 methods for determining the concentrations of chemicals in the working environment, 7 articles, an in-situ electromagnetic field measurement procedure and annual reports on the activities of the Commission. The results of the Commission’s activities in 2017-2019 were presented in 14 Polish publications, 7 presentations during Polish conferences as well as at workshops and training conferences as part of the European information campaign „Hazardous substances under control”. This article discusses the problems of occupational safety and health, which are covered by health sciences and environmental engineering.

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