
In 2017, the Commission met at three sessions, in which 16 documentations for recommended exposure limits of chemical substances were discussed. Moreover, the Commission discussed: − the positions of the Interdepartmental Commission for MAC and MAI regarding: smog, limit value of nitric oxide in the underground mining and tunnels sector and binding value for 1,2-dichloroethane − introduction of the "skin" notation (substances absorption through the skin may be important as in the case of inhalation) for chemical substances included in the regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 6 June 2014. The Commission suggested to the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy the following changes in the list of MAC values: − adding five new chemical substances to the list of MAC values: qinoline (CAS: 91-22-5, Carc. 1B, skin), cisplatin (CAS: 15663-27-1, Carc. 1B, skin), N-hydroxyurea (CAS: 127-07-1, Carc. 1B), potassium bromate (CAS: 7758-01-2, Carc. 1B, skin) oraz 3,3’-dimethylbenzidene (CAS: 119-903-7) and salts: 3,3’ dimethylbenzidene dihydrochloride (CAS: 612-82-2, Carc. 1B) − changing MAC values for 10 chemicals: bis-phenol A (CAS: 80-05-7), acrylic acid (CAS: 79-10-7, skin), nitrogen oxide (CAS: 10102-43-9 ), dichloromethane (CAS: 75-09-2, skin), 1,1-dichloroethylene (CAS: 75-35-4), hydrogenated terphenyls (CAS: 61788-32-7), 2-nitropropane (CAS: 79-46-9, skin), 1,2-epoxypropane (CAS: 75-56-9), 1,2-dichloroethane (CAS: 107-06-2, skin), phenylhydrazine (CAS: 100-63-0, skin) as phenylhydrazine) and its salts: phenylhydrazine hydrochloride (CAS: 59-88-1; 27140-08-5, skin), phenylhydrazine sulphate (CAS: 52033-74-6, skin) − adding to Annex 1 the "skin" notation (substances absorption through the skin may be important as in the case of inhalation) for chemical substances included in the regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 817 with amended). The Interdepartmental Commission for MAC and MAI adopted the MAC value for inhalable fraction of urea at the level of 10 mg/m3 as the value recommended for manufacturers and plants. The documentation of the proposed occupational exposure limit values for urea with the recommended value of 10 mg/m3 and with the method of determining it concentrations in the working environment will be published in "Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment". Four issues of the "Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment " were published in 2017. The following were published: 12 documentation of occupational exposure limit, 12 methods of determining chemical concentrations in the working environment, two articles, a procedure for measuring electromagnetic field, a report on the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission for MACs and MAIs in 2017 and indexes of documentations, methods and articles published between 2000–2017. Three sessions of the Commission are planned for 2018. MAC values for 15 chemicals substances will be discussed at those meetings. The Commission and the Group of Experts will continue working on adapting the Polish list of maximum admissible concentrations to proposals for binding values for carcinogenic or mutagenic substances, proposed concentration limit values developed by the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) and on work being done at SCOEL.

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