
Abstract A simultaneous operation (SIMOP) is defined as two or more independent operations (such as drilling, workover, wire!ine, facilities construction, etc.) conducted under common operational control in which the activities of any one operation may impact the safety of personnel, equipment and/or the environment of the other(s). (Source: API Bulletin 97, Well Construction Interface Document Guidelines, 2013). Interaction of production and drilling operations may increase the likelihood of accidents in both, because the accident frequency may increase compared to normal operations. A drilling accident may have knockon effects on the production activities and vice versa thereby resulting in a loss (time, production, life, reputation). This paper presents a methodology for planning a simultaneous drilling and production operation with a tender assisted semisubmersible drilling in the Gulf of Guinea. The major risk of the operation derives from its novelty and the increased level of situational awareness required from the crew. Efficient communication, interface management and integration amongst the different disciplines and departments are crucial for an efficient and cost-effective simultaneous operation. The four M SIMOP planning [4MSIMOPPP ™] process can be broken down as: Measurement, Mitigation, Monitoring and Management. Measurement involves the scaling of the operations and scheduling in a logic system as well as the identification and assessment of latent and residual risks; both quantitative and qualitative risks will be considered. The mitigations will be considered and will include tiered contingencies and exit nodes. Robust integration of marine system, rig management system, production safety and management system and dynamic positioning system will be achieved by bridging all the systems on a common process that enhances communication. Monitoring systems to identify gaps, deviations and changes will also be developed. An ultra deepwater SIMOP process safety model specific to the Gulf of Guinea but adaptable to any other basin in the world is developed. If properly implemented and managed, it has potential to significantly reduce process safety losses based on available statistics in the industry.

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