
Praise to God Almighty, who has endowed us with knowledge and ability to complete this publication.The 2nd International Conference on Sustainability in Architectural Design and Urbanism (ICSADU) is a forum that provides a space for academics, practitioners, students, bureaucrats to convey their thoughts, ideas, views related to sustainable development issues in the field of architecture and urbanism. Furthermore, the forum provides a place to publish papers or scientific articles into acceptable and reputable journals. The ultimate aim of this forum is to create community and networks in the field of sustainable urban-space and architecture. Following the success of ICSADU 2017, on this occasion, the highlight theme is “empowering nature and culture toward a better quality of life.” Participants came from Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Germany & Lithuania. The committee accepted one hundred twenty five abstracts, including five from keynote speakers and sixty five selected papers that were presented in the conference on August 29, 2018.Being a world issue for more than three decades, 'sustainable development' has evolved as a concept and movement receiving much support as well as mockery. Various obstacles were tackled with the lack of synchronization of economic, socio-cultural and ecological development. The concept of sustainable development has been applied by traditional societies, such as traditional villages of Bali and Toraja in Indonesia. On the other hand, the concept of garden city, the smart building, intelligent urbanism concept are several examples of the application in modern society. The field of architectural design has been applied from design-preparation of development, selection of material, technology of development, occupancy and post-occupancy stage. Those indicates that the works made are quite massive in the area of architecture and urbanism. Furthermore, it requires hard efforts to empower existing potentials in order to achieve a better life continuously, particularly in developing countries that face several challenges of globalization, demographic, urbanization, land scarcity, environmental quality degradation, global warming threats, natural and man-made disasters.Socio-cultural harmonies, survival also maintenance of cultural-historical heritage are urgent parts of strengthening identity and fostering social harmony. Many architectural values are built on considering socio-cultural harmonies, which become important capitals of human being development in the future. Nevertheless, they are often threatened by the pressures of modernization and capitalization. Some are discussed in this book based on cases in Bali, Yogjakarta, Malang, Semarang, Surabaya, Jakarta, Seoul, Bangkok, Moskow, Lisabon and many more cities.This book also discusses several issues, such as: smart building energy consumption, smart cities as parts of the balance with environment, an adaptation to the climate by planning and design, environmentally friendly materials, the use of IT to measure the city compactness, as well as a tool of observation methods, smart transportation, smart buildings and smart cities will facilitate various aspects of human life. However, maintaining harmony in the natural environment is more important than any material benefit, because this will reduce fund in the life cycle project, and also avoid the social disintegration.On behalf of committee, I would like to thank those who have actively contributed to the preparation stage, the process of managing the manuscript, the presentation and discussion sessions of the conference, the preparation and publication of papers into the aforementioned journal.1. All the Management Diponegoro University, Rector, Vice Rector, LPPM, WCU team, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Chairman of Department of Architecture.2. The reviewers team, who consisted of experts from various universities, including Ritsumeikan University Japan, The Ryukyus University Japan, Seoul National University Korea, Silpakorn University Thailand, King Mongkut University Thailand, UNDIP, ITS, UNS.3. All Participants, who came from Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Germany, Lithuania, Indonesia especially from ITB, UI, UNS, UGM, ITS, UNHAS, UNIBRA, UPI, UNIKA, and many more.4. Team of IOP Conference Series Earth of Environmental Sciences.5. All of parties, readers and, that we cannot mention one by one.It is my fondest hope that this publication can contribute to the development of knowledge particularly in the field of architecture as well as urbanism.Semarang, November 2018Chair PersonDr. Atiek Suprapti

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