
On 25 November 2016, the Aketao, Xinjiang earthquake occurred on the Muji fault, which is located at the northernmost end of the right-lateral Karakorum Fault (KF). This event provides a rare chance to gain insights into how the stress accumulates in Pamir margin as the Indian plate collides with the Eurasian plate. Space geodetic measurements including InSAR and GPS were used to obtain coseismic surface displacements associated with this earthquake. Based on a finite fault model, the coseismic slip distribution inverted by the combined datasets indicates that the 2016 Aketao event is caused by a primary shallow strike-slip with minor normal-slip at a steep-dipping angle. To explore the real structure of Muji fault, listric fault model inferred by relocated aftershocks as well as the planar fault model, were used in our slip distribution inversion. The results suggest that the optimal fault model should be a highly-dipping planar fault with two separated asperities. The large slip zone is beneath the surface near the epicenter with a maximum slip of 1.1 m, while the small one in the east breaks the surface, in a good agreement with the field seismic geological survey. The total geodetic moment is 1.35 × 1019N∙m, equivalent to Mw 6.7. The nearly pure dextral strike-slip Aketao earthquake, and the recent 2015 Mw 7.2 sinistral strike-slip Tajikstan earthquake in this region, to some extent, manifest the extension motion is dominated in northern Pamir Plateau, in response to the northward convergence between Indian and Eurasian collision.

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