
Abstract High-profile mega-sporting events have progressively been positioned in marketing, decision-making and strategy development of tourism destinations, especially as platforms for showcasing host destinations. This study conceptualizes a model of interlinked constructs in order to predict sports tourists’ likelihood of repeat visitation to Rio de Janeiro after the 2014 Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup™. This conceptual model includes the effects of tourists’ information search, destination image and perceptions of crime risk on satisfaction and ultimately, repeat visitation to Rio de Janeiro. The results provide support for the proposed model and confirm that information search negatively influences tourists’ image of Rio de Janeiro and that destination image, reduced crime-risk perceptions and satisfaction positively influence the likelihood of repeat visitation to Rio de Janeiro. These findings can assist destination marketers in managing the destination brand and changing existing perceptions and misconceptions about Rio de Janeiro, in order to positively influence tourist satisfaction and repeat visitation.

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