
he aim of the work is to study and analyze the main provisions of the 1974 Constitutionof SFR Yugoslavia.The methodological basis of the study is a system of methods, scientific approaches, techniques and principles that were aimed at achieving the study objectives. Universal, general scientific and special legal methods were used. Thus, for example, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction allowed to generalize the acquired knowledge, which became the basis of scientific intelligence.Results. The authors focus on Constitution role in the legal acts hierarchy of the former Yugoslavia.The study identifies the structure and provisions content of the Basic Law. As part of the analysis of this document, the authors delineate the spheres of competence between the federation and its constituent entities, and also pay attention to state apparatus functioning and the powers of individual governmental institutions.Conclusions. The article outlines a scheme for analyzing the 1974 SFRY Constitution. It should be emphasized that the Constitution made serious changes to all spheres of life in Yugoslav society.The SFRY Constitution was at the top of Yugoslav legal acts hierarchy. The constitutions of the union republics, union laws and all other regulations and joint acts had to comply with it, but in case of non-compliance, they continued to be in force until the CCJ decision. The working class as the main component of the socialist system was the SFRY law source. As a result of the 1974 Constitution adoption, Yugoslavia acquired a lot of confederal system features, transforming from a partial union state into a union of states. The vertical links between the subjects were more formal, defining Yugoslavia as a voluntary union of peoples. The legislators’ attempts to ensure the principle of equality among peoples and nations in Yugoslavia led to the spread of centrifugal tendencies and sentiments in the union republics, creating the basis for the possibility of national entities independent functioning and, as a result, led to the collapse of the union state.

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