
The aim of the work is to analyze the ways in which armed conflicts affect the legal system and its components, in particular: institutional, functional, normative and ideological.
 The methodological basis of the study is a system of methods, scientific approaches, techniques and principles that were aimed at achieving the study objectives. Universal, general scientific and special legal methods were used. Thus, for example, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction allowed to generalize the acquired knowledge, which became the basis of scientific intelligence.
 Results. The armed conflict is an important factor that affects all spheres of society, including the legal system as a complex system of legal phenomena. Armed conflicts pose a real threat to existing legal systems and inevitably lead to their transformation. This necessitates their in-depth scientific analysis, which undoubtedly determines the relevance of the topic under study. In order to achieve the goal of the study, the authors characterized each component of the legal system (institutional, functional, normative and ideological) and paid attention to their corresponding changes that took place as a result of the influence of the armed conflict on them.
 Conclusions. The article outlines a scheme for analyzing the impact of armed conflict on the legal system, and in particular, it is proposed that it should be characterized by the degree of impact on the components of the legal system, namely, institutional, functional, normative and ideological. These components of the legal system contain most of the legal phenomena that reflect the patterns of its development during armed conflict. Although the armed conflict affects the legal system in general, the greatest impact is on the institutional and normative components, especially with regard to the concept of human rights, changes in the legal status of subjects, increasing influence of international law, changes in the correlation between international and national law, and the emergence of new areas requiring legal regulation.

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