
In 2001, dr. A. Mandzy, working with scholars in both Poland and Ukraine, initiated the Cossack Battlefield Commission to explore and study Cossack battlefields. The battlef ield near Zboriv 1649 was chosen as the object of survey. Much like previous excavations at the Berestechko Battlefield, the Zboriv project made heavy use of historical records, cartographic evidence and archaeological fields testing methods. Beginning in 2002, the group of researches, working under promotion dr. Mandzy in conjunction with the I. Kryp’iakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies and Department of Architecture and Conservation of Lviv Polytechnic University, the regional power of preservation of historical and cultural monuments for the Ternopil Oblast, began a joint survey, the purpose of which was identifying any possible remaining cultural resources associated with the military events of 1649. Material of this survey was the basis for hypothetical planning reconstruction of 1649 field fortifications lines.&nbsp

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