
The recent sustainability challenges that our world is facing have raised, more than ever, the attention to the mobility of passengers and freight in the European and international agendas. The energy transition that has begun globally requires identifying and adopting safe, resilient, and increasingly sustainable mobility solutions. In this perspective, the modal split of passengers plays an essential role. One of the main encouraged policies is to promote an efficient mass rapid transit in urban and suburban areas. More in detail, when considering rail transport, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the role of stations from at least two points of view: i) the ease of access to the station; ii) the opportunities that can be easily reached in its surroundings, following the concept of the “15-minutes” city. These two issues should be properly addressed to guarantee the role of railway stations as an access point to the transport system and an infrastructural element that can enhance a territory. Starting from these considerations, this research proposes a GIS-based methodology able to analyse railway stations from two points of view: i) walkability, considering the main functional characteristics of the transport network, and ii) impact on the territory, by identifying the services located in an area corresponding to “15-minutes” distances using active modes. For each railway station, the main activities in a 15-minute walking isochrone can be evaluated, both considering the walking distance on the pedestrian network and taking into account the current walkability of each link based on arc characteristics. This allows to study the accessibility of railway stations based on the current pedestrian network and the potential one with ideal characteristics. The method is applied to a case study located in Sicily (Italy), in the case of some urban stations. The final scope is to design a decision-support framework useful for railway station operators and local decision-makers to support strategic decisions regarding the railway system and the planning of appropriate pedestrian transport networks to increase railway station accessibility.

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