
Objective: To describe the situation of human resources and analyze some factors influencing the attraction and retention of nursing human resources at Dak Song District Health Center (DHC) in Dak Nong province from 2018 to 2020. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study combining quantitative and qualitative was conducted at Dak Song DHC from February to September 2021. A quantitative study was conducted, using a form to collect secondary data at DHC, a qualitative research was used for in-depth interviews and focus group discussion guidelines. Main findings: There was a shortage of 33-44 people in the in the period of 2018-2020; in which, there was mainly a lack of doctors. The proportion of human resources allocating by departments was not balanced and inadequate compared to Circular 08/2007/TTLT – BYT – BNV. Highly qualified human resources have gradually increased over the years. DHC recruited 58 people in three years (reached 56.9% of the demand), 25 staffs quited or changed jobs.. Factors that positively influenced the attraction and retention of human resource: working essence ; income; work environment; human resource training and develoment. Negative influencing factors: policies, remuneration regimes; recruitment activities; working conditions. Conclusions and recommendations: Develop policies to attract and maintain human resources with university degrees; develop recruit communication; expand specialized medical services, implement high-tech services to increase the revenue of the DHC as well as imcome of employees. Keywords: Attraction and retention human resources, Dak Song District Health Center, Dak Nong province.

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