
Th e aim of the appendix is to show the directions of sociological researchof political use of death. Th ere are two related Social Sciencediscourses on death: (1) thanatos sociological, which deals with socialinequalities in mortality, and (2) thanatopolitical, in which center isthe political instrumentalization of death. It is shown the historicalevolution of these relations to death and are considered diff erent theoreticaland methodological starting points that explain the politicalside of death and its symbolic capital. Th e vision of death has changed,as well as political use of the death. Th e most attention was devotedto a class-tier thanatological diff erences. Classes do not show only economicinequality, but also the symbolic and cultural inequality, andso they also diff er in relation to the death. It is presented a draft forthe sociological framework for the study of historical class interests thatdetermine the ideological use of death.

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