
The test facility THAI (thermal-hydraulics, hydrogen, aerosol, and iodine) aims at addressing open questions concerning gas distribution, behaviour of hydrogen, iodine and aerosols in the containment of light water reactors during severe accidents. Main component of the facility is a 60m3 stainless steel vessel, 9.2m high and 3.2m in diameter, with exchangeable internals for multi-compartment investigations. The maximal design pressure of the vessel is 14bar which allows H2 combustion experiments at a severe accident relevant H2 concentration level. The facility is approved for the use of low-level radiotracer I-123 which enables the measurement of time resolved iodine behaviour.The THAI test facility allows investigating various accident scenarios, ranging from turbulent free convection to stagnant stratified containment atmospheres and can be combined with simultaneous use of hydrogen, iodine and aerosol issues. THAI experimental research also covers investigations related to mitigation systems employed in light water reactor containments by performing experiments on, e.g. pressure suppression pool hydrodynamics, performance behaviour of passive autocatalytic recombiners, and spray interaction with hydrogen–steam–air flames in phenomenon orientated and coupled-effects experiments.The THAI experimental data have been widely used for the validation and further development of Lumped Parameter and Computational Fluid Dynamics codes with 3D capabilities, e.g. International Standard Problems ISP-47 (thermal hydraulics, gas distribution) and ISP-49 (hydrogen combustion), EU-SARNET/SARNET2 code-benchmark exercises involving THAI data on iodine/surface interactions, iodine mass transfer, passive autocatalytic recombiner performance, iodine oxide behaviour and iodine transport in multi-compartment behaviour.The present paper provides an overview of the THAI experiments related to hydrogen and fission products issues performed in the frame of national and international projects. From the comprehensive THAI experimental database, a selection of typical results is presented to illustrate the multi-functionality of the THAI facility and the broad variety of the experimental investigations.

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