
This article is devoted to the organisational development of the textile industry of the Upper Volga economic region in the early years of Soviet power. The emphasis is placed on studying the issues of the search by central and local authorities for the most acceptable form of management of enterprises in the industry. The main structural associations and management bodies of the textile industry of the region in these years are considered – from the district and provincial administrations of the “glavkˮ-ism system to the first textile “associationsˮ (trusts) of the period of the early NEP (the so-called new economic policy) in industry. In chronological order, the transition from the economy of the period of “war communismˮ to the system of “commercial settlementˮ in the textile industry of the studied provinces is traced. The article also provides a comparative analysis of the processes of formation and development of various forms of management of textile enterprises in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Vladimir and Yaroslavl provinces and it identifies their key features. To reveal the topic of the article, both materials of scientific publications and archival documents were used, a significant part of which has been introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

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