Texicospirura turki gen. et sp. n. (Nematoda: Ascaropsinae) is described from two males and 21 females collected from the stomach of Tayassus tajacu from New Mexico, and two female specimens from a peccary taken near Laredo, Texas. The genus is differentiated from other stomach spiruroids by means of a key, and its taxonomic relationships are discussed. The specimens herein described represent two collections of nematode parasites from peccaries. The first, consisting of two females and a male collected from the small intestine of a. angulatus (Cope), Laredo, Texas, was presented to the second author (C. de C) by Dr. R. D. Turk of Texas A. and M. University. Unfortunately, the male specimen was lost in transit and only a sketch of the caudal tip of this specimen was available. The second collection of two males and 21 females from the stomach of Tayassus tajacu (syn. Pecari a. angulatus), received through the courtesy of R. W. Allen, was collected near Lordsburg, New Mexico, by K. S. Samson and B. Donaldson. The holotype and allotype specimens were selected from the second collection. It is presumed that the stomach is the normal habitat and the specimens from Texas had passed into the intestine after death of the host. These nematodes are unique in having a dorsal and a ventral projection of the prostom into the cheilostom and although their relationship to the Thelaziidae is apparent in cephalic papillary structure, their generic relationship is obscure. Therefore, a new genus as well as a new species is proposed for them. The generic name is an arbitrary combination of letters, and the species is named for Dr. Turk. The small intestine of the type host in New Mexico contained several male and female specimens of Parabronema pecariae Ivashkin, 1960 (syn. Parabronema sp. Schwartz and Alicata, 1933). Measurements are in microns unless otherwise specified. Drawings were made with the aid of a camera lucida. Received for publication 13 October 1965. Texicospirura gen. n. Description Spiruroidea, Thelaziidae, Ascaropsinae. Adult nematodes sturdy, moderate in size, males smaller than females. Cephalic cuticle inflated in form of collar without appendages or plaques. Cephalic papillae consisting of internal circle of six and eight externals arranged in two circles of four; amphids circular with sclerotized ring, at level of outermost circle (Fig. 3). Circumoral membrane dorsoventrally elongate; labia, pseudolabia, interlabia, and teeth absent. Dorsal and ventral walls of prostom, projecting into cheilostom in form of two large, rounded knobs (Figs. 2A-C, 4A-B). Long cylindrical mesostom with striated protorhabdions, external esophageal cover loosely applied, but not rugose; esophagus divided into short n rrow muscular, and long glandular parts. Males with caudal alae, spicules unequal and dissimilar, gubernaculum present (Fig. 5). Females oviparous, vulva postesophageal, in anterior part of body (Fig. 1). Type and only species T. turki. Texicospirura turki sp. n. (Figs. 1-9) Description With characters of the genus. Adult females moderate in size, males half the size of females. Both sexes taper from broad preanal region where maximum width is attained, to narrow anterior end, and are slightly attenuated posteriorly (Fig. 1). Freshly collected females of reddish color; males, white, translucent. Cuticle thick, with marked annulations bearing short longitudinal striations (Fig. 4B). Narrow lateral alae beginning near nerve ring, 139 to 150 long, diminishing near base of esophagus; cervical papillae small, sharp, simple, with cuticular ring at base, variable in position. Cuticle of head inflated, forming cephalic collar without appendages (Figs. 2, 4). Circumoral membrane slightly lobed, dorsoventrally elongate (Fig. 3). Esophagointestinal valve present. Male: Length 5 to 9 mm., width 30 at head, 150 in anal region. Distance from anterior end to nerve ring, 140, excretory pore, 165. Protostom 140 to 170 long by 13 to 14; muscular esophagus
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