The mechanisms underlying the domestication process have already been well explained. Starting with Belyaev's pioneering experiment on silver foxes, which showed that selection for tameness (reduced fear response, changes in the 'hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system'-HPA axis) leads to destabilisation of the regulatory systems that control morphological and behavioural development, resulting in the changes characteristic of the domestication syndrome. Later, the thyroid rhythm hypothesis and the neural crest cell (NCC) hypothesis provided additional explanations. Recently, the parasite-mediated domestication hypothesis (PMD) has been proposed, suggesting an important role of endoparasites in the domestication process. Since parasites either directly or indirectly affect all mechanisms underlying the domestication syndrome (HPA, thyroid, NCC), the PMD proposes that they may be an important trigger of domestication. PMD can be tested either experimentally or comparatively. One of the basic assumptions of PMD is that parasite-susceptible, genetically less resistant/more tolerant wild animals were originally domesticated and that the susceptibility to parasites has been passed on to today's domestic animals. This can be verified primarily by comparing the parasite susceptibility of existing wild and domestic populations of the same species. We, therefore, followed a systematic comparative approach by analysing the parasite load in wild boar (WB) and free-ranging domestic pig (DP) populations from a comparable environment in a geographically close area. Fresh faeces from WB and DP populations, one each from Slovenia (SI) and Croatia (HR), were sampled. A total of 59 individual faecal samples were collected (SI: 12 WB, 20 DP; HR: 14 WB, 13 DP). Parasitological diagnostics were carried out using the sedimentation and floatation method. Five different taxa were found in WB and seven in DP. Three parasite taxa were found exclusively in DP (Cystoisospora suis, Trichuris sp., Balantidium coli), and one (Strongyloides sp.) only in WB. Of the parasites found in both cohorts, strongyles/Oesophagostomum sp. were significantly more abundant in DP, while Eimeria sp. was found in equal amounts in both (but in HR only in WB). According to the preliminary study presented here, there is evidence to support the PMD baselines in the wild boar-domestic pig association. However, we cannot draw a definitive conclusion as there are many aspects that may bias the interpretation based on parasite load alone, which are also discussed here. Therefore, comparative studies should be supported by a more focussed methodology, including an experimental approach.
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