Abstract Electroweak Baryogenesis (EWBG) is a compelling scenario for explaining the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. Its connection to the electroweak phase transition makes it inherently testable. However, completely excluding this scenario can seem difficult in practice, due to the sheer number of proposed models. We investigate the possibility of postulating a “no-lose” theorem for testing EWBG in future e + e − or hadron colliders. As a first step we focus on a factorized picture of EWBG which separates the sources of a stronger phase transition from those that provide new sources of CP violation. We then construct a “nightmare scenario” that generates a strong first-order phase transition as required by EWBG, but is very difficult to test experimentally. We show that a 100 TeV hadron collider is both necessary and possibly sufficient for testing the parameter space of the nightmare scenario that is consistent with EWBG.
We show that a 100 TeV hadron collider is both necessary and possibly sufficient for testing the parameter space of the nightmare scenario that is consistent with Electroweak Baryogenesis (EWBG)
We propose a systematic approach in which we closely examine the requirements that new physics must satisfy for successful EWBG, and determine if there is an axis along which experimental testability becomes more difficult
10We findMS ≥on−shell. 11The tree-level argument leading to the derivation of the two-step phase transition region in section 3.2 are unchanged
We define our model by the following most general renormalizable tree-level higgs potential for the SM higgs and a single real scalar: V0. √ After substituting H = (G+, (h + iG0)/ 2) and focusing on the field h which becomes the SM higgs after acquiring a VEV, this becomes. This scenario of adding a singlet with a Z2 symmetry to the SM has been well-studied in a variety of different contexts [50,51,52,53,54,55,56]. We focus on adding one real singlet with a mass larger than mh/2 to avoid exotic higgs decays, and an unbroken Z2 symmetry under which S → −S to avoid sing√let-higgs mixing.
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