
The task of finding a set of test sequences that provides good coverage of industrial circuits is infeasible because of the size of the circuits. For small critical subcircuits of the design, however, designers can create a set of test sequences that achieve good coverage. These sequences cannot be used on the full design because the inputs to the subcircuit may not be accessible. In this work we present an efficient test generation algorithm that receives a test sequence created for the subcircuit and finds a test sequence for the full design that reproduces the given sequence on the subcircuit. The algorithm uses a new technique called dynamic transition relations to increase its efficiency .The most common and most expensive step in our algorithm is the computation of the set of predecessors of a set of states. To make this computation more efficient we exploit a partitioning of the transition relation into a set of simpler relations. At every step we use only those that are necessary, resulting in a smaller relation than the original one. A different relation is used for each step, hence the name dynamic transition relations. The same idea can be used to improve symbolic model checking for the temporal logic CTL.We have implemented the new method in SMV and run it on several large circuits. Our experiments indicate that the new method can provide gains of up to two orders of magnitude in time and space during verification. These results show that dynamic transition relations can make it possible to verify circuits that were previously unmanageable due to their size and complexity .

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