
Relevance. The study of test-plants potential consists in determining indicators that reflect the quality of the seed material and its required quantity during production.Methods. The objects of research are modified biofungicides created on the basis of the microscopic fungus Trichoderma viride and natural minerals: diatomite, glauconite, sapropel, zeolite.The evaluation of the characteristics of the test-plant (spring wheat variety Ulyanovsk 105) when treated with modified biofungicides was carried out on the basis of indicators as germination energy and seed germination, biometric data (seedling and root length) and biomass (seedling and root weight).Results. It has been established that seed treatment with the created biofungicides has a positive effect on the germination energy (82.0–96.0%) and germination (87.0–96.0%) of the test plant under study. In all experimental variants, the length of the seedling was on average 11.0% higher compared to the control. The maximum values of this indicator were noted in the variants when the seeds of spring wheat were treated with a biofungicide based on T. viride (by 18.59%), as well as in the complex treatment of T. viride with a zeolite fraction of 0.04 mm (by 21.70%) and with diatomite (by 12.28%). Stimulation of the root system development by 8.71–21.13% was also noted. In all experimental variants, seed treatment with new biofungicides stimulates the formation of test plant biomass. The best values were noted in the variants with the treatment of T. viride and T. viride with zeolite (fraction 0.04 mm), where the weight gain of the seedling to the control is 25.67% and 20.86%, and the root weight is 25.23% and 18.39%, respectively. The use of modified biofungicides based on micromycete T. viride and natural minerals is promising for obtaining environmentally friendly crop products.

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