The Phase-II upgrade of the LHC aims at an increase of the instantaneous luminosity up to about 5×1034 cm−2 s−1. To cope with the resulting challenges the current Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) system. The Pixel Detector will have to deal with occupancies of about 300 hits/FE/s as well as a fluence of around 2×1016 neq cm−2. Various sensor layouts are under development, aiming at providing a high performance, cost effective pixel instrumentation to cover an active area of about 10 m2. These range from thin planar silicon, 3D silicon, to active CMOS sensors. After extensive characterization of the sensors in the lab, their charge collection properties and hit efficiency are measured in common testbeam campaigns, which provide valuable feedback for improvements of the layout. Testbeam measurements of the final prototypes will be used for the decision of which sensor types will be installed in ITk. The setups used in the ITk Pixel testbeam campaigns will be presented, including the common track reconstruction and analysis software. Results from the latest measurements will be shown, highlighting some of the developments and challenges for the ITk Pixel sensors.
The EUTelescope reconstruction framework is thoroughly used in the ATLAS Pixel community
Obtained tracks are used by TBmonII, the ATLAS Pixel testbeam analysis framework
A new FE for the ITk upgrade will replace the existing FE-I4B. This FE will need to be implemented into the default testbeam frameworks, work which has already started and is ongoing
The innermost detector subsystem of the current ATLAS detector [6] is the Inner Detector. It consists of four layers of pixel modules Insertable B-Layer (IBL) upgrade [7]), four layers of strip detectors and a transition radiation tracker at the outermost section This initial pixel detector was designed for a total fluence corresponding to a total of 400 fb−1 delivered luminosity, and while the IBL is capable of compensating for efficiency loss due to radiation damage and to exploit the physics content of the the good LHC operation, an entirely new Inner Tracker (ITk) is needed for HL-LHC conditions
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