
Preventing extremism and terrorism crimes in the republics of the North Caucasus in the near future is relevant, since today’s volatile situation in society calls for constant reference to the problem in order to comprehend the development of these crimes in the face of the liberalization of public life. Evaluating regional and territorial characteristics of crime suggests that its content depends not only on the state of society at large, but also on the way social processes are organized in the regions. Therefore, there are some significant differences in the level of terrorism and extremism crime among young people in different regions of the Russian Federation. In this sense, the nature and rate of crime in the border regions are relatively localized within regional-territorial frameworks. This is due to the factthat, some regions of the Russian Federation have developed peculiar demographic, cultural, socio-economic, geopolitical conditions that affect the qualitative and quantitative indicators of youth crime, causing peculiar criminological situations to develop in certain regions. Regional analysis of crime is a mandatory attribute of criminological research. Within its framework, terrorism and extremism crime among young people is considered as an integrative output of complex social territory-specific interactions. Attempts to feature terrorism and extremism crime among young people in the republics of the North Caucasus, the way it differs from this kind of crime in other regions of the Russian Federation are of great preventive importance.

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