
Aim. Baku economic region consists in collecting and processing the collected material on the current socio-economic state of the territorial organization of the building materials industry and improvement, assessing the level of potential, identifying opportunities for future development, and preparing appropriate recommendations. Methods. During the study, comparative, statistical, mathematical analysis, the method of a systematic approach and personal observations of the authors were used. Results. As a result of the analysis of the territorial organization of the building materials industry and the problems of modern development, the following conclusions were made: For the first time, in modern conditions, on the basis of statistical data and observation materials, an analysis of the territorial organization of the building materials industry and an assessment of the level of development from an economic geographical point of view. It was revealed that the construction industry uses a lot of wood, fittings, glass, faience, sanitary ware and other products that are imported from foreign countries, and such an important industry should be exempt from customs taxes, and or on preferential terms, their importation should be taken under control and guardianship of the state. - A significant part of the stone and sand quarries located in the vicinity of the city of Baku was distributed or sold to the population. Due to population growth and the expansion of the city's neighborhood, it is necessary to pay special attention to the construction of high-rise residential and government buildings in the suburbs of the city. One of the main factors that create the problem of ecological tension in the city of Baku are stone quarries located in the suburban settlements of Garadagh, Guzdek, Turkan, Zire, Mashtaga, etc., which produce sawstone and sand used at the construction sites of the city. The implementation of recycling measures at these sites is beneficial not only for the sources of building materials, but also for the protection of the coastal resort and tourist area.

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