
Over recent decades, much effort has been invested in the implementation of digital circuits using multivalued and fuzzy logic, as they are more similar to real-world arithmetic and logic. Ternary logic can be implemented in molecular electronics using transistors based on benzene rings because of their special characteristics. A dual-gate molecular field-effect transistor based on the oligo (phenylene vinylene) molecule, which consists of aromatic rings, is proposed herein. Moreover, models for the implementation of all the different types of ternary inverter, viz. a negative ternary inverter, standard ternary inverter, and positive ternary inverter, as well as a binary full adder (FA) cell are proposed. Of note, each of the ternary inverters is implemented using just one transistor, while the FA cell is implemented using two transistors. The transistor, the inverters, and the FA cell are simulated using standard tools to verify their functionality.

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