The ternary feldspar system KAlSi3O8 - NaAlSi3O8 - CaAl2Si2O8 was reinvestigated at 650 ° C and 800 ° C (P H2O = 1 kb) using mixtures of crystalline plagioclases and alkali feldspars as starting materials. The compositions of plagioclases and alkali feldspars of the run products were determined by X-ray means. The Or-content of the feldspar phases was determined by measuring the position of the (201) X-ray peak of the unexchanged feldspars, whereas the An-content was determined by measuring the same X-ray peak of the K-exchanged feldspars. The reaction rate of a reaction leading to a more An-rich plagioclase (type II reaction) is much faster than a reaction producing a more Ab-rich plagioclase (type I). In a type II reaction run times of approximately 20 days are needed to reach new constant plagioclase and alkali feldspar compositions at 650 ° C, and 10 days are needed to reach constant compositions at 800 ° C. In a reaction of type I only the outer zone of the plagioclases reacts to more Abrich compositions. A diffuse zone with a wide range of compositions was observed in 650 ° C runs. Equilibrium could not be reached in these experiments within 45 days. At 800 ° C a new zone having a specific composition develops in 42 days. This new zone is believed to be in equilibrium with the coexisting alkali feldspar. The depth of reaction is calculated as 0.03 μm after 42 days (800 ° C, P f= 1 kb). The reaction between the two feldspar phases could be reversed at 800 ° C. The following compositions are considered to represent equilibrium data at 800 ° C and P t = 1 kb: Recent data obtained with gels of ternary feldspar composition as starting materials do not agree with the results presented in this paper. Gels obviously crystallize spontaneously forming coexisting feldspars of non - equilibrium composition - alkali feldspars too rich in Ab and plagioclases too rich in An.
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