
For the past few years in the neurologic service at Bellevue Hospital, under the direction of Dr. Foster Kennedy, we have been studying the etiology and treatment of migraine. Realizing that this affliction is not a disease entity and that there is more than one precipitating factor in the production of this syndrome, we felt it essential to investigate this paradox from many different angles. In a report in 1934 we1approached the problem from a pharmacologic point of view. At that time we administered known vasodilator and vasoconstrictor agents, also glandular products such as pitressin, extract of anterior pituitary, theelin and insulin. We also studied the effects of carbon dioxide inhalation, of vagomimetic and of sympathomimetic compounds on the attacks. These various medications were used in order to compare the relative effectiveness of numerous nonsedative measures in relieving the episode, as well as to determine the factors capable

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