
Eloquence is one of the miracles the Qur’ān possesses. Among the type of verses in the Qur’ān are metaphorical verses or amthāl verses. The amthāl verses provide readers with a clear picture on the Qur’ānic understanding. Islamic scholars have produced numerous writings specifically on amthāl verses which displays their importance in Quranic exegesis. As for the Malay world, especially in Quranic scholarship, translation of the Qur’ān in Malay language began in the 17th century. This expertise of Quranic translation requires a translator to master the knowledge of Quranic exegesis including the knowledge on amthāl in the Quran. The purpose of this study is to analyze the translation of amthāl verses in Malay Indonesian language based on Quranic translation written by Prof. Dr. Mahmud Yunus. The study is conducted by comparing Mahmud Yunus's translation of amthāl verses with exegeses of Abd al-Nāṣir al-Sa'dī’s Taisīr al-Karīm al-Rahmān and Ibn Ashur’s al-Tahrīr wa al-Tanwīr. This study is a qualitative study using deductive analysis and comparative method. The study suggests that Mahmud Yunus adopted a clear method of explaining Quranic metaphors by using additional interpretations in parentheses as well as additional comments in footnotes. However, there are also places where Mahmud Yunus simply translates the Quranic metaphor without any additional explanation.

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