
The aims of this research to describe the different concepts of meaning in two translation of Qur’an in Ducth and Indonesian versions, and explain the factors that influence concept of meaning in both works. The formal object of this research is the differences in the meaning concept of the Qur'an. While the object material is al-Qur'an translation in Dutch version De Heilige Qoer-an and Indonesian translation of Qur’an by Mahmud Yunus. This research is comparative descriptive, while the method used in this research is padan and agih methods. The example of the different of meaning as seen in Q.S al-Baqarah: 60, which has different meaning. In Indonesian version interpreted the word بعصاك اضرب directly, 'hit the rock', while the Dutch version interpreted "go or walk with your people", where اضرب is interpreted to mean other words, 'walk' and عَصَا is also interpreted by the meaning of another word, 'a large group of people'. The difference in interpreting the word, of course, affects the understanding of the verse as a whole. The conclusion of this research that the translation of the Quran in Indonesia Dutch and Indonesian versions in 1930s, more likely to show different of meaning concept in sorting out the equivalent of the word meaning, especially in the verses of the prophetic miracle.

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