
The aim of the paper is to present a method for estimating the percentage compliance of statutory minimum wages in selected Trisea countries with minimum wages established on the basis of human capital theory. The first part of the study deals with the essence of capital, human capital and fair wage. Thermodynamic theory enables a deeper understanding of the nature of capital and perception the complementarity of capital and labor, from which follows a set of basic economic concepts. From this basis are developed the Human Capital Measurement Model and the Fair Pay Model. The models used to measure the value of human capital presented in the article help determine the minimal fair wages in Poland and selected Trisea countries. These models are based on fundamental laws of reality: the first and second laws of thermodynamics and the principle of minimal action. Especially the second law of thermodynamics in its basic formulation is indispensable in economic considerations, because the human body has the features of a heat engine and experiences spontaneous, random dispersions of energy. Fair wage means that the earnings of two working parents allow the two descendants to reach the level of human capital they achieve, i.e. this wage guarantees the preservation of human capital. The article ends with a comparison of the percentage compliance of statutory minimum wages in selected Trisea countries with minimum wages set on the basis of human capital theory. This percentage shows the similarities and differences between the economies of the countries surveyed in terms of costs of living and indicates the possibility of creating their own economic union.

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