
Recent advances in topological artificial systems open the door to realizing topological states in dimensions higher than the usual three-dimensional space. Here, we present a "tensor product" theory, which offers a method to construct Chern insulators with arbitrarily high dimensions and Chern numbers. Particularly, we show that the tensor product of a $d_A$D Chern insulator $\langle \mathcal{H}_A^{(\kappa_{A})}, C_A\rangle$ with a $d_B$D Chern insulator $\langle \mathcal{H}_B^{(\kappa_B)}, C_B\rangle$ leads to a $(d_A+d_B)$D Chern insulator $\langle \mathcal{H}_{A B}^{(\kappa_A\star \kappa_B)},-2C_AC_B\rangle $, where in the brackets, $\mathcal{H}^{(\kappa)}$ is the $d$D Hamiltonian with $d$ even, $C$ is the corresponding $(d/2)$th Chern number, and $\kappa$ labels the five non-chiral Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry classes A, AI, D, AII and C. The four real classes AI, D, AII and C form a Klein four-group under the multiplication `$\star$' with class AI the identity, and class A is the zero element. Our theory leads to novel higher-dimensional topological physics. (i) The construction can generate large higher-order Chern numbers, e.g., for some cases the resultant classification is $8\mathbb{Z}$. (ii) Fascinatingly, the boundary states feature flat nodal hypersurfaces with nontrivial Chern charges. For the constructed $(d_A+d_B)$D Chern insulator, a boundary perpendicular to a direction of $\mathcal{H}_A$ generically hosts $|C_A|$ $d_B$D nodal hypersurfaces, each of which has topological charge $\pm 2C_B$. Under perturbations, each nodal hypersurface bursts into stable unit nodal points, with the total Chern charge conserved. Examples are given to demonstrate our theory, which can be experimentally realized in artificial systems such as acoustic crystals, electric circuit arrays, ultracold atoms, or mechanical networks.

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