In [C1, C2, C3, C4], B.-Y. Chen introduced the tensor product of two immersions of a given Riemannian manifold; he proved that the set of all immersions of the given manifold, provided with direct sum and tensor product, defines a commutative semiring. In [DDVV] we introduced I, the commutative semiring of all transversal immersions of all differentiable manifolds in Euclidean spaces, provided with the binary operations direct sum and tensor product. In this paper we further investigate which immersions define a subsemiring or a multiplicative subsemigroup ; in particular, we fix our attention on spherical immersions of differentiable manifolds, isometric and equivariant immersions of Riemannian manifolds and immersions of finite type. Denote by E the n-dimensional Euclidean space with Euclidean metric 〈 , 〉. The n-dimensional sphere with radius r is denoted by S(r). Let f : M → E be an immersion of a differentiable manifold in a Euclidean space. Then f is said to be transversal in a point p ∈M if and only if the position vector f(p) is not tangent to M at p, i.e. f(p) / ∈ f∗(TpM). If f is transversal in every point of M , then f shortly is called transversal. Consider two differentiable manifolds M and N of dimensions r resp. s and assume that f : M → E and h : N → E are two transversal immersions. Then the direct sum map f⊕h : M×N → E : (p, q) 7→ (f(p), h(q)) and the tensor product map f ⊗ h : M × N → E : (p, q) 7→ f(p) ⊗ h(q) are again two transversal immersions. We define a symmetric relation ∼ as follows : if f : M → E is an immersion and i : E ⊂ E is a linear isometric immersion, then ∗Supported by a research fellowship of the Research Council of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven †Senior Research Assistant of the National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium) ‡Research Fellow of the Research Council of the K.U.Leuven Received by the editors November 1993 Communicated by A. Warrinier AMS Mathematics Subject Classification : 53C40, 53B25, 58G25
Published Version
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