
With the purpose of establishing a relevant precedent for future situations that require the adoption of remote work, this study focuses on the implementation of tools, guidelines and strategic practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in a company in the agricultural sector. The experience of the administrative staff of the company in the Mexican Southeast in relation to the home office is examined. The main objective of this research is to propose improvements in the guidelines and practices of remote work applied in the administration of the company during the various stages of the contingency. The aim is to optimize the management of work from home and develop effective strategies to face future adversities related to the health and integrity of employees. This study is based on applied research with an exploratory and quantitative approach. A non-experimental and longitudinal design is used to examine the restrictions that the staff faced in terms of infrastructure, equipment and logistics to carry out their functions during the home office. The results present a management and continuous improvement proposal based on the experience acquired during the social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This proposal aims to strengthen the control of adversities that may arise in situations of risk to the health and integrity of collaborators. The vision obtained from the employment situation confirms the importance of planning and administrative and economic forecasting in organizations. These processes increase the probability of efficiently and effectively addressing any event that requires modifying or adapting normality, as has been the case with remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic in companies in the agricultural sector.

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