
Changes in the thermal optima of fish impacts changes in the physiology and immune response associated with infections. The present study showed that at suboptimal temperatures (17 °C), the host tries to evade viral infection by downregulating the inflammatory response through enhanced neuronal protection. There was significantly less abundance of IgM + B cells in the 17 °C group compared to that in the 25 °C group. An increased macrophage population (Iba1+) during the survival phase in fish challenged at 25 °C demonstrated inflammation. Optimal temperature challenge activated virus-induced senescence in brain cells, demonstrated with a heterochromatin-associated H3K9me3 histone mark. There was an abundant expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the brain of fish at the suboptimal challenge. Besides the cytokines, the expression of BDNF was significantly higher in the suboptimally challenged group, suggesting that its neuronal protection activity following NNV infection is mediated through TGFβ. The suboptimal challenge resulted in H3k9ac displaying transcriptional competency, activation of trained immunity H3K4me3, and enrichment of H3 histone-lysine-4 monomethylation (H3K4me1), resulting in a robust re-stimulatory immune response. The observations from the H4 modifications showed that besides H4K12ac and H4K20m3, all the assayed modifications were significantly higher in suboptimal convalescent fishes. The suboptimally challenged fish acquired more methylation along cytosine residues than the optimally infected fish. Together, these observations suggest that optimal temperature results in an immune priming effect, whereas the protection enabled in suboptimal convalescent fishes is operated through epigenetically controlled trained immune functions.

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