
The limitation of the problem in this study is the cultural values ​​of Tembang Batanghari Sembilan in the Semende community of South OKU Regency with subfocus (1) structure, (2) function, (3) type, (4) performance of Tembang Batanghari Sembilan, (5) values culture contained in Tembang Batanghari Sembilan, and (6) maintenance and preservation of Tembang Batanghari Sembilan. The method used is content analysis method and ethnographic method. The data in this study are the recordings and transcriptions of the Batanghari Sembilan Tembang. The results of this study indicate that the Batanghari Sembilan Tembang has a resemblance to the Malay pantun in general which has sampiran and content. The definition of Tembang Batanghari Sembilan is divided into three points of view, namely (1) the listener / audience's point of view that the Batanghari Sembilan Tembang is intended for all groups, applies to all ages, (2) form angles, Batanghari Sembilan Tembang is in the form of linked pantun (seloka) and pantun 6, 8, or 10 lines (talibun) and (3) the corner of the theme, namely the theme of sadness, disappointment, and advice. The functions of the Batanghari Sembilan Song include (1) expressing feelings, (2) conveying intentions, (3) entertaining, (4) teaching and instilling religious values, and (5) introducing customs and culture. The performance aspect is found in four elements, namely (1) the composer / artist, (2) the listener or audience, (3) the context of the performance of the Batanghari Sembilan Song, and (4) the message. The cultural values ​​of Tembang Batanghari Sembilan as a work of art include (1) the value of simplicity, (2) the value of customary norms, (3) aesthetic value, (4) the value of self-actualization, and (5) the value of respecting nature. Cultural themes obtained by conducting ethnographic analysis include (1) Semende's customary inheritance rights system, (2) Semende's traditional marriage system, and (3) the life order of the Semende community. In conclusion, the cultural values ​​contained in Tembang Batanghari Sembilan in the Semende community in South OKU Regency have cultural forms, namely cultural systems, social systems, and physical culture.

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